¿Se siente solo debido al cierre actual? Consejos para cuidar de su salud mental durante la pandemia del COVID-19

El distanciamiento social a muchas personas les ha ocasionado que se sientan solas e incluso tristes y angustiadas. A continuación, vea algunas de las cosas que puede hacer durante este período para cuidar de su salud mental.

Mental Health Tips During Covid-19

In This Article:

  • Feeling lonely during lockdown is very common, and it can take a toll on your mental health. Luckily, there are ways to avoid depression and anxiety during lockdown.
  • Adjust your usual schedule to create a new day-to-day plan for yourself. Don’t be afraid to mix things up. Find a serene place to walk, get a morning workout in or pick up a new hobby.
  • Keep in touch with family and friends over Zoom and/or FaceTime to maintain a support system. Try to keep these conversations as positive and uplifting as possible.

¿Tiene preguntas sobre el COVID-19?

Desde tratamientos del COVID-19 hasta recursos llenos de toda la información que necesita saber sobre la vacuna, Valleywise Health lo protege durante tiempos del coronavirus.

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